Our Team

Ing. Jaroslav Novotný, evropský patentový zástupce

Ing. Jaroslav Novotný

Eropean patent attorney

Patent and trademark attorney No. 101
European patent attorney No. 123450
European trademark and design attorney No. 31513

More than 40 years Jaroslav has been active in the field of intellectual property law, and therefore he has become a real expert. After he had obtained his university diploma (Dipl.-Ing.), he completed a postgraduate study focusing on industrial law, which was concluded by state exam, he studied at the Institute of Industrial-Legal Protection of the Intellectual Property Office, and he attended a certified two-year study at the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University in Brno. He used to work for the Centre for Inventions and Improvement Proposals of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition. In 1992 he established his own independent patent and trademark office. He actively participated in amendment procedures during legislative process, he lectured at the University of Economics in Prague. He still publishes articles in a range of specialist periodicals. He speaks Czech, English and Russian.

JUDr. Petr Novotný, patentový zástupce, právník

JUDr. Petr Novotný

Patent attorney, Attorney At Law

Attorney At Law No. 17 812
Patent and trademark attorney No. 429
European trademark and design attorney No. 65159

In 2010 Petr completed his studies at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague and became Master of Law. In 2014 he defended his doctoral thesis and successfully passed his rigorous exam at the Institute of Copyright, Industrial Property and Competition Law at the same faculty. Since 2005 he has worked for the patent and trademark office. As vice chairman of the Czech Union of Inventors and Rationalizers he supports the activity of Czech inventors and legal knowledge. He is active as a lecturer and publishes. He speaks Czech, English and German.

He is a member of the Board of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.
In 2016-2019 he was a member of the Supervisory Commission of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

He obtained a prestigious award Innovative Lawyer 2016.


KPZ - Komora patentových zástupců AVČR - Akademie věd ČR ČAK - Česká advokání komora

ČSVZ - Český svaz vynálezců a zlepšovatelů EPI - European Patent Institute GIT - Global Innovation Technologies AIP - Asociace inovativního podnikání ČR

Within the activity of our office we actively cooperate with representatives of the reputable law firm Bobek & Partner, and with a range of external experts, especially in the field of audit, tax consultancy and expert institutes.

For the purposes of direct protection abroad we have a network of cooperating patent and law firms, by means of which we are able to arrange quality services in any country in the world.V rámci činnosti naší kanceláře spolupracujeme aktivně se zástupci renomované advokátní kanceláře Bobek & Partner a dále s řadou externích specialistů zejména v oblasti auditu, daňového poradenství a znaleckých ústavů.

Pro účely přímé zahraniční ochrany máme partnerské spolupracující patentové a advokátní kanceláře, prostřednictvím kterých jsme schopni zajistit kvalitní služby v kterékoliv zemi světa.